p r e s s
D A N C E N A T I O N by clare barron
square product theatre, boulder, CO: 2022
”…cleverly provocative…” - The Denver Post
f u l l r e v i e w h e r e
H O U S E O F G O L D b y gregory s. moss
square product theatre, boulder, CO: 2017
” It raises themes about whiteness, sexual fantasy and the quest for immortality. But most disturbing is the way it challenges the innocent nobility of what it means to rear children in America.” - Boulder Weekly
f u l l r e v i e w s h e r e: The Denver Post, Boulder Weekly, Westword, and The Daily Camera
Read, listen to and watch features and interviews about this production in 5280 Magazine, KGNU's MetroArts, KDVR Fox 31 Denver and Westword.
S L A B by gleason bauer and emily k. harrison
square product theatre, boulder, CO: 2014
W I N N E R : 2 0 1 4 t r u e w e s t a w a r d :
o u t s t a n d i n g d i r e c t i o n a n d s c e n i c d e s i g n
N O M I N E E : 2 0 1 5 c o l o r a d o t h e a t r e g u i l d h e n r y a w a r d , b e s t n e w p l a y o r m u s i c a l
f u l l r e v i e w s: The Denver Post, The Boulder Weekly
f e a t u r e s: The Daily Camera, CU Boulder Today,
Brazos Bookstore
A B R I G H T R O O M C A L L E D D A Y by tony kushner
with emendations by steven leigh morris
“Much credit is due to director Gleason Bauer and scribe Steven Leigh Morris, who penned the counterpoint, localized story of Zillah. In their own ways, each beautifully and subtly mirrors past and present in both character actions and storyline.”
L Y S I S T R A T A P R O J E C T : L A
“This was a one-of-a-kind L.A. happening that transcended place and time, and above all our world's current precarious state, to touch the theatre's eternal human pulse. Indeed it may have been the closest I've felt to what I imagine the theatre experience might have been for the Greeks—the ritual sense of gathering and sharing the space with artists doing their ancient art, breaking the ice of a tense, fraught environment by facing the tension head-on.”