t e a c h i n g e f f e c t i v e n e s s
c o l o r a d o c o l l e g e
a n o n y m o u s s t u d e n t e v a l u a t i o n s & f i n a l r e f l e c t i o n p a p e r s
2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4
a c t i n g , d i r e c t i n g , s t u d e n t l i t e r a r y c o u n c i l , s t a g i n g E U R Y D I C E
“I feel better after rehearsals even when I start them in a bad mood, because in the theater, I can locate my body and step inside of it as I am moving and playing… I don’t feel good all the time, but I have found hope again. I love this play, and I’ve been reading more plays by Sarah Ruhl and doing research about other contemporary women playwrights. I suddenly can see myself becoming a playwright, writing in overlapping verse and exploring aspects of my life through fiction. I’m uncovering memories of being euphoric during emotional moments on stage, recalling what it is to access the present in my life and the familiarity I had with some of the casts I’ve been part of. When I finished high school, I told myself that I would have to be in theater forever or else I would never feel fulfilled. I finally remember why, as I honor my true first love. This has been a process of cleansing, like catharsis for an audience watching a tragedy, and oh how I have missed trudging through this river. Take heart, X, and swim.”
”Gleason is a gift to the CC Theatre department.”
“They did a great job allowing student direction and goal accomplishing.”
“They taught with a lot of compassion and intention.”
“this class have challenged me to go beyond the expected and to delve into the depths of my vulnerability, (hopefully) creating a performance that is not only powerful but also profoundly moving.”
“Very enthusiastic and encouraging. Always offering help or encouraging people to step out of their comfort zone.”
“The ungraded system truly incentivized personal growth and learning.”
p o m o n a c o l l e g e
a n o n y m o u s s t u d e n t e v a l u a t i o n s - f a l l , 2 0 2 2
b a s i c a c t i n g : t o o l s a n d f u n d a m e n t a l s ( 2 s e c t i o n s )
“I think they do a good job of actively engaging students to learn the material, helping students feel safe and excited to learn and explore.”
“This professor seems very intentional about lesson plans and the things we do in class”
“They provide good in-class discussion facilitation and help us push our comfort boundaries”
“Gleason established a very warm and welcoming environment centered around our well-being. I always left the class feeling very grounded and ready for the rest of my day.”
“Gleason creates a judgement-free environment to learn and grow in acting. Through various exercises, they’ve gotten us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace creativity.”
“Gleason has done a phenomenal job getting the class to bond - which is an incredible feat. The focus on being present has made this acting experience more meaningful.”
“Gleason has always brought (sic) enthusiasm to class and has created a safe space for exploring our emotions in acting exercises."
“The class time is really well used, and they show clearly the reasoning behind each activity. They dealt very well with possibly uncomfortable situations. The class has really intrigued my interest about acting, and I feel I have learned a lot.”
“They were really good at creating a space where all students felt comfortable to be vulnerable regardless of their previous experience with theatre. They were also good at breaking things down and clarifying when needed. They were wonderful at meeting you where you were and working to hopefully move forward.”
“Gleason made a safe, welcoming, accepting environment. They offered a clear statement of goals and of the structure of the class. They encouraged us to take risks and be brave. The classroom environment was serious and professional and they gave good feedback on performances.”
“Gleason has done a good job pushing us to try new things and go outside of our comfort zones.”
“Gleason was very well-informed about their teaching method and approach. They encouraged vulnerability and patience with one’s self.”
“The consistent mindfulness was very appreciated.”
“Professor Bauer does an excellent job of guiding the class as a whole while simultaneously creating individual growth and experience. Additionally, she (sic) gives as much or as little encouragement as she sees fit. Though she may not know me personally, I feel she knows where I am in my acting journey.”
“Gleason is great at facilitating discussion and creating a safe space and clear class norms/consent/boundaries work.”
“They have been super welcoming and helpful. They have made me feel at ease and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. They are very understanding and flexible. I have really enjoyed this course. I feel I have learned a lot.”
“Gleason has done a good job of building a safe space and making everyone feel comfortable. Also has done a good job engaging the class in several different fun activities. I also like the reflections/discussions after each activity.”
“Gleason has been very engaging and helps students feel comfortable in the classroom. They are accepting and kind.”
“Gleason has done an excellent job at including and engaging the whole class. She (sic) explains mindfulness wonderfully.”
“They are good at building a safe space that encourages us to be vulnerable and take risks, including space for saying “no”, community agreements, and an abundance of effective warm-up games.”
“I appreciated the emphasis on listening to our bodies and building our ability to use or bodies as a container, and I felt they gave us plenty of time to meditate, stretch, etc. They make a clear effort to make the content relatable to us, and if we are presenting work, they give each person plenty of individual focus and attention. I really felt that their feedback on my monologue was specific, useful, and thought-provoking.”
“She’s (sic) done a great job developing our intuition as actors. I thought it would be a lot of memorizing lines, but we did tons of activities with emotions, and movement that made delivering lines much, much easier. I often say this is my ‘hardest class’ because acting doesn’t come normally to me, but understanding (and feeling!) the mechanics of emotion has been enormously helpful, in and out of class. All around, I would give Gleason an A+.”
c a l h o u n c o l l e g e
a n o n y m o u s o n l i n e s t u d e n t c o u r s e e v a l u a t i o n s - 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2
t h e a t r e a p p r e c i a t i o n ( 2 s e c t i o n s )
“Professor Bauer’s feedback helped me notice mistakes that were made in my assignments, which helped me revise. They responded quickly to any questions I had.”
“…the instructor is really great and…I would take another class with them.”
“They challenged me to do research in something and learn something I was unaware of.”
“This was one of the best teachers I have had at Calhoun. I have a LOT on my plate this semester and this teacher has been nothing but understanding and so helpful throughout this course. I really appreciate her (sic) and would recommend for everyone needing a good elective course to take this course!”
“It was clear they were well informed on any topic I had questions about.”
“I would take the instructor again and recommend them to other students.”
“Professor Bauer’s interest in theatre was noticeable through this class which is what is needed for a class of this manner. Showing knowledge and engaging the class in lessons helped me become more interested in the lesson.”
“Professor Bauer used class time effectively which allowed for the lessons to be taught while also being to engage in discussion and activities with the entire class.”
Professor Bauer has been extremely kind and communicative during this course.”
“They were very helpful and anything we couldn’t figure out together they didn’t hesitate to contact outside resources for.”
“Professor Bauer provided an outstanding environment for all students. I have nothing but positive comments for Professor Bauer and her (sic) class. Prior, I haven't understood much about theatre but now I have a broadened perspective of what theatre is, and what it includes.”
m a r l b o r o u g h s c h o o l
s u m m a t i v e e v a l u a t i o n r e p o r t s
2 0 1 0 - e v a l u a t o r : p e r f o r m i n g a r t s d e pa r t m e n t h e a d
2 0 1 3 - e v a l u a t o r : p e r f o r m i n g a r t s d e pa r t m e n t h e a d
2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 - e v a l u a t o r : u p p e r s c h o o l d i r e c t o r
p e r f o r m i n g a r t s c o m m u n i t y r e s p o n s e s